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The AEC (Aircraft Engineering Conference) series focuses on the entire process in the aerospace industry, including materials and design, process and equipment, quality and assembly, engineering and service. It is an open engineering business networking conference platform based on technical discussions and business development. Since its debut in 2016, AEC has been successfully hosted for three consecutive years and has received high praise and influence in the Aerospace industry.


February 2020, we will continue to implement the strategy of full coverage, accurately occupy and hold a series of meetings as follows.

February 19

February 20

February 21

No.1 Venue

Plenary Session

Visiting AEE 2020

No.2 Venue

International Forum of Advanced Laser Intelligent manufacturing Technology Applied in Aviation 2020

No.3 Venue

Control in Aircraft 2020 

To pre-register as an attendee, a speaker or a sponsor

Don't miss our pacakge - including education, keynotes, exhibits, networking and access to the AEE 2023 exhibition Floor. Register now and be on your way to a successful event!